Recently I have been nominated by two fabulous fellow bloggers, the lovely Sian and Roseanne, to do the 'Liebster Award' tag!
"The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 300 followers and the rules of the award is that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate other bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find some blogs that they want to follow."
11 Random Facts About Me
1. My birthday is on New Years Eve (31st December) and I am well and truly a Capricorn.
2. I am a cat momma to two beautiful boys, Gary and Robbie.

3. I am the eldest of four siblings. I have two younger brothers, Sam and Thomas, and a little sister, Eleanor.

I would move mountains for the lot of them. <3
4. I am a massive geek.
5. I suffer with anxiety and every day is a battle to fight the fear.
6. Fruit Bat is the pet name my Mum has called me since I was little.
7. One of my dreams is to travel around Asia.
8. My boyfriend is seventeen years older than me and we have to deal with a lot of prejudice because of that. Age is just a number and love is limitless.
Plus he's a babe.

9. These are my earth angels.

10. I did Ballet for eleven years and wish I had stuck at it.
11. I am absolutely hopeless at getting up in a morning. I am in love with my bed.
Sian's Questions for Me
1. What made you start blogging?
I used to keep an online blog in my early teens, back in the days when Open Diary and Live Journal were king; so it's something I've had an interest in for a long time. Even then it was a great community to be a part of and I made lots of friends through having an online 'journal,' some of which I am still in touch with even after *cough*eleven*cough* years. I love reading different blogs and discovering new ones, there's so many out there now! I have also become unhealthily addicted to YouTube, again, the amount of great channels available to watch is insane. These all inspired me to start blogging/making videos again and I also made a resolution that I would be more creative this year - so here I am!
2. What is your biggest achievement?
Oh god, I hate questions like this as I'm always very hard on myself and don't ever feel like I've accomplished anything extraordinary. It probably sounds trivial, but the feeling I get when I finish a piece of artwork is when I am at my happiest. I like tangible things.
Oh god, I hate questions like this as I'm always very hard on myself and don't ever feel like I've accomplished anything extraordinary. It probably sounds trivial, but the feeling I get when I finish a piece of artwork is when I am at my happiest. I like tangible things.
3. Favourite song?
I don't think I could pick just one favourite song; there are so many close to my heart. But if I have to I think it would be 'Lua' by Bright Eyes.
I don't think I could pick just one favourite song; there are so many close to my heart. But if I have to I think it would be 'Lua' by Bright Eyes.
4. Milk, dark or white chocolate?
5. What is your favourite palette?
The Urban Decay Naked palettes are always winners.
6. Have you still kept your New Years resolutions?
Yes and no. My main resolution was to be creative again. I'm really happy that I decided to start this blog this year and can't see me giving up any time soon! However, I still want to start drawing and painting again and I haven't made the time to do this yet. All the other resolutions to get fitter and eat healthier went out the window long ago.
7. Biggest fear?
Spiders. Death. Death by spiders.
Living with an anxiety disorder it's difficult to pin point one fear as my biggest. I am constantly worrying and overthinking things which leaves me feeling scared the majority of the time. Most of my anxieties will revolve around fear of dying or fear of failure so they would probably be my biggest.
8. What is your favourite part of your make up routine? (Do you love contouring, applying mascara etc...)
Taking it off! Can't beat that feeling of having a freshly washed face.
9. Favourite colour?
Red lips. Black clothes. Turquoise jewels. Pink hair.
10. Black or brown mascara?
Black, by a country mile.
11. What is your favourite blog to read?
The Urban Decay Naked palettes are always winners.
6. Have you still kept your New Years resolutions?
Yes and no. My main resolution was to be creative again. I'm really happy that I decided to start this blog this year and can't see me giving up any time soon! However, I still want to start drawing and painting again and I haven't made the time to do this yet. All the other resolutions to get fitter and eat healthier went out the window long ago.
7. Biggest fear?
Spiders. Death. Death by spiders.
Living with an anxiety disorder it's difficult to pin point one fear as my biggest. I am constantly worrying and overthinking things which leaves me feeling scared the majority of the time. Most of my anxieties will revolve around fear of dying or fear of failure so they would probably be my biggest.
8. What is your favourite part of your make up routine? (Do you love contouring, applying mascara etc...)
Taking it off! Can't beat that feeling of having a freshly washed face.
9. Favourite colour?
Red lips. Black clothes. Turquoise jewels. Pink hair.
10. Black or brown mascara?
Black, by a country mile.
11. What is your favourite blog to read?
I love The Little Magpie by Amy Bell; this lady could wear anything and make it look like it's come straight out of Vogue. I also like Frilly and Fancy by the super cute Kalel and the outfits and quotes on Candyfloss Curls, Cupcakes and Couture by Elizabeth Daisy.
Roseanne's Questions for Me
1. Favourite makeup brand?
My heart will always belong to Mac.
2. Favourite highstreet store? (beauty, fashion, anything...)
2. Favourite highstreet store? (beauty, fashion, anything...)
Waterstones - I can spend HOURS in that shop.
3. Favourite candle scent?
Pretty much all of the Yankee candles.
4. Mac or Benefit?
4. Mac or Benefit?
Hands down, Mac.
6. Favourite quote?
"This too shall pass."
7. Beauty/Style icon?
Here are some lovely ladies that inspire me with their unique style:
7. Beauty/Style icon?
Here are some lovely ladies that inspire me with their unique style:
Maia Leech, Amy Bell, Anastasjia Louise, Marzia Bisognin, Zoe Sugg
8. Favourite holiday destination?
8. Favourite holiday destination?
Italy or New York.
9. Most used/repurchased beauty product?
9. Most used/repurchased beauty product?
Nivea Lip Balm
10. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
10. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
Stay tucked up in my pjs with my ipad and plenty of snacks, and listen to the sound of the rain.
11. Guilty pleasure?
11. Guilty pleasure?
Erotic fiction. And X-Factor.
Phew! That took longer than expected, cheers ladies! I really enjoyed writing this post, and I hope it gives you a little bit more of an insight in to me and the things I like.
1. Describe yourself in three words.
2. What is your holy grail beauty product?
3. Dream destination?
4. What is your star sign and do you think it fits your character?
5. Do you have any special items of jewellery that you wear every day?
6. Favourite Blogs or YouTube Channels?
7. Favourite item in your wardrobe?
8. An Artist or Author whose work inspires you?
9. Red lips or winged eyeliner?
10. Describe your perfect Summers day.
11. Do you have any OCDs or strange habits?
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